This apartment (Unit number 104) is located in the ANWA Tower building at Dubai Maritime city. The apartement is 1, 356.1 square feet in size, having one bedroom and 2 bathrooms, as well as a spacious living.
ANWA is the ideal location to unwind after a busy day at the office. Forget about the rush hour traffic, noise, and chaos of a bustling metropolis. Settle in on your couch and take in the view. Dip into the refreshing waters of the infinity pool, play with loved ones in the children’s pool, or simply inhale the fresh air, soak in the various hues of the ocean and the lush green of the landscaping – unwind, disconnect, and savor life.
Furthermore, ANWA offers amenities that align with the ocean. Specifically, the infinity pool, wet deck, and landscaped gardens were designed to enhance the connection to the natural beauty and splendor of the Arabian sea.
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